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The COMPASS (Computerised Aptitude Selection System) test is a 5 hours event which consist of a battery of tests which will assess your personal aptitude, cognitive abilities and pyschomotor skills (hands and legs co-ordination) for pilot training.

First two hours: hand at controller joystick-eye coordination with computer flight cockpit game, with some altitude calculation, some navigator meter and stuff; some memory test with those sequencing quiz, and some with some audio command headphone.

Second two hours: personality test on OMR sheet with 2b pencil after the short break.

One of the test is for instrument comprehension. The test measures the ability of a pilot to determine the position of an airplane in flight by reading instruments. An "artificial horizon", a compass and four pictures represent the aircraft. Pick the drawing that fits the instrument indications best.

First look at the compass. It indicates that the plane is heading to the left (west). The horizon indicates the aircraft is climbing, because the aircraft symbol is above the horizon line. Finally the plane is banking to the left (opposite of horizon) So, the correct answer is "B".

Updated On: 18.10.15