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Singapore Flyer main spindle is up

flyerThe very heavy spindle (180 tonnes) of the Singapore Flyer at Marina Bay is finally in place. The hosting operation began at 8.30am on the 13 December 2006 and took more than 10 hours to complete. The 20m-long spindle is the horizontal structure on which the huge ferris wheel is built in Japan and then shipped to Singapore. This main spindle set on its final position at the height of a 42-storey building is one of the most critical part of the entire structure as it will pivot and rotate the entire wheel. It is the hub for 28 fully air-conditioned and UV-protected capsules which can carry 35 people each. Each capsule has a synchronised double-door system will enable access from both sides and passengers are expected to experience an easy ’step on’ access, making it particularly friendly to the elderly and disabled.  The flyer is set to fly in a year time.

Updated On: 15.02.10