Go Singapore » SG Worship » Goddess of Mercy Temple

Goddess of Mercy Temple

Also known as Kuan Im Hood Cho Temple, Kwan Im Tong Hoon Che Temple

kwan imThe original temple was built in 1884 and was right on the street. The new temple was completed in 1984. Thousands of people visit this temple during Chinese New Year. No incense is allowed inside so devotees pray outside first, then go in leaving incense in the urn outside. It gets hectic at Chinese New Year so numbers are limited at a time. The Chinese temple courtyard is a good example of 19th century architecture and workmanship. This temple is dedicated to Guanyin, the Chinese goddess of mercy. It was built in 1884 on Waterloo Street, which contains a number of historic buildings.

temple street

Singapore 187964

Updated On: 05.01.03

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